There was this one time in college, when our first class in the morning got cancelled and all of us were asked to gather around in one of the studios for this presentation that a faculty of mine had to show us. I was glad and interested (because I was very late and could've possibly missed my class, and because I find presentations and seminars interesting, respectively). The presentation was about Travel, and I've always had the keeda (bug). I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and made quick notes for each and every word spoken during that period. I have this habit, you see. This happened about a year ago, or maybe two - I don't really remember.
A few weeks ago, I came across that very piece of paper with a few words scribbled here and there, a few random doodles and some quotes. Also with them was beautifully doodled 'Herodotus' and 'Travels With Herodotus - Rsyzard Kapuscinski' written besides it.

The thought of looking it up bothered me and a few days ago, I looked it up on Amazon and immediately ordered the book. The anticipation for a book has never struck me so much as it did to me this one time. Perhaps because it was about travel, perhaps it was because it was referred to us by someone who was well travelled, perhaps because that one person had great storied to tell about his travels - our minds are complicated things!
Fast forward to the moment I go the parcel, I ripped the packet in which the book had come, took the book out and admired the cover for the next 10 minutes - YES! I do judge books by their covers and no, I've barely ever regretted doing so (whenever I have).
I am a slow reader, I barely read 5 pages a day, sometimes even a paragraph or two would suffice. But this book was unlike any other, such a subtle page turner. Every word was carefully thought of, every detail was beautifully described, every subject was beautifully highlighted (which would've gone unnoticed otherwise) and given a character of importance - I am grateful to have ever come across such a beautiful amalgamation of experience and creativity. I read about a quarter of the book that day, till the point that I felt so sleepy that I couldn't read any more. But that didn't stop me from reading the book later. You know, there are a few books which could change your life forever, and no, I'm not talking abut those self help books - Travels With Herodotus was one. For me, it is life changing.
My life has been an absolute roller coaster ride and has had its ups and downs which I'm trying to cope with. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts on iTunes and they've been an absolute game changer for me. So much positivity; great great vibes and moments of calm. I have become a little inclined to spiritualism and that's been absolutely beautiful. I am thankful, and I am grateful. I have been missing out on everything and I'm starting to gain control on my life yet again. My recent obsession is stalking Arunoday Singh's Instagram. He is super adorable and he writes straight outta his heart - more power! Let's pull more tangents and forget about the fact that this post is me talking about a book that has been a boon. I'll try not to pull tangents in the future. Never again, never again.
Anyway, do you have any recommendations for me? What have you been doing lately? Are you participating in #InkTober? Any good book that I can lay my hands on?
My life has been an absolute roller coaster ride and has had its ups and downs which I'm trying to cope with. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts on iTunes and they've been an absolute game changer for me. So much positivity; great great vibes and moments of calm. I have become a little inclined to spiritualism and that's been absolutely beautiful. I am thankful, and I am grateful. I have been missing out on everything and I'm starting to gain control on my life yet again. My recent obsession is stalking Arunoday Singh's Instagram. He is super adorable and he writes straight outta his heart - more power! Let's pull more tangents and forget about the fact that this post is me talking about a book that has been a boon. I'll try not to pull tangents in the future. Never again, never again.
Anyway, do you have any recommendations for me? What have you been doing lately? Are you participating in #InkTober? Any good book that I can lay my hands on?
(Book: Amazon; Scarf: Some Handloom Fair at Pragati Maidan; Pyjamas: Sarojini Nagar)
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