2 October 2016

#BookTalk - Travels With Herdotus


There was this one time in college, when our first class in the morning got cancelled and all of us were asked to gather around in one of the studios for this presentation that a faculty of mine had to show us. I was glad and interested (because I was very late and could've possibly missed my class, and because I find presentations and seminars interesting, respectively). The presentation was about Travel, and I've always had the keeda (bug). I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and made quick notes for each and every word spoken during that period. I have this habit, you see. This happened about a year ago, or maybe two - I don't really remember.

A few weeks ago, I came across that very piece of paper with a few words scribbled here and there, a few random doodles and some quotes. Also with them was beautifully doodled 'Herodotus' and 'Travels With Herodotus - Rsyzard Kapuscinski' written besides it.